Green Party policy breakdown
Increase public spending by 20 per cent (£177bn a year)
Increase minimum wage to £10 an hour
Introduce ‘wealth tax’ on top 1 per cent, “Robin Hood tax” on financial transactions to fund free social care for over 65s
Cut emission by 90 per cent by 2030
Scrap tuition fees and increase school spending
Renationalise railways
Lower voting age to 16 and raise criminal responsibility from 10 to 14.
£4 billion a year extending free local transport to all young people and students
40% of all board members of public companies to be women
Abolish the TV licence
Increase the NHS administration budget by 9% and increase overall budget £12 billion partly funded by an increase in tobacco and alcohol taxes
Improve hospital food and end mixed sex accommodation in hospitals
By 2019 #GreenManifesto would make kids more helpful: they’ll go to park “promising to pick up some milk at the Post Office on the way back”
— Martha Finlay (@MarthaFinlay) April 14, 2015