National student paper backs Ed Miliband
Today the press was not kind to Ed Miliband, with many headlines screaming anti-Labour threats next to unflattering pictures of their leader.
But Mr Miliband has a smaller voice fighting his corner today. The Tab, the national, irreverent student newspaper is backing the Labour leader – and it doesn’t sound like and easy decision, but one they came to because of Mr Miliband’s effort to be interviewed by ‘alternative’ media as well as the mainstream press.
Let’s be honest, backing Labour is something to be ashamed of. It’s the party of passive-aggressive Twitter trolls and bores who yell platitudes about “our NHS”. It’s the party of shrill intolerant worthies and hashtagging wetters.
In backing Labour, we throw our lot in with tear-stained handkerchiefs like The Guardian and the NUS. They’re a milky tea, a damp fleece, an echoing room full of jazz hands….
…Look at the people on your corridor. How many of them would still be there if the Labour Party didn’t make it possible for anyone, from any school, to work their way into university? What separates Labour from the Conservatives is a belief everyone should have the same opportunity to succeed. They believe it’s more important to minimise social divisions and enjoy common benefits than it is to be personally better off.
Compare that to this morning’s Sun and it is quite the endorsement.